Wednesday, October 27, 2010

value village

Today we went to value village, the best store in the world!!!!!

we were going to get Coralyn's and my costume. Coralyn is going to be a 80's impersonater and im going to be a greek godess. spasificly Venus!

well, this is my costume ---------------------->

isn't it perdy?

Anyway, we came back home and Olivia went to riding and Angus went to drumming with Joelene. and Coralyn got it in her head that we need to go with some of our friends to the haunted house in Sidney. which is sooooooooo scary. it is called if you want to look it up...
well I'm insisting that I will not go and that it is way to scary. but she is so determined!!!(darn her mule headiness!!)
our friend Jeff might come with us, maybe we don't know yet.
well we will see if we go or not!
yours spokeyly:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bus's, Riding horses, Allergy's, and Little Sister.

So on the 19th Olivia and Angus had swim club, and since mom had to go to a meeting, I had to bus with them down town to crystal pool. I didn't mind but it was a long way and I was really tired. Anyway, the pool has a really nice workout section and I didn't even bring my shorts. darn!! well the club lasted for two hours and Olivia took sooo long in the shower that the time when we got out was six pm. so we got on the bus back home. the end.
"Or so I thought"
The next day mom took the van in to get the screeching breaks fixed.(hallelujah!!!) and asked if I could take Olivia to Riding. well lets just say I am a really nice sister! So at 12:24 we were at the same bus stop taking the same bus. but this time I had something to make my life a little more interesting. my baby sister! and she didn't have a nap.......... (sigh) well I messed up the time and we were waiting there for a half hour. While we were waiting I put Joelene on Angus' backpack and strapped it to his chest. then being the big knowledgeable sister that I am said "that's what it fells like to be pregnant for nine months, Angus" his eyes opened wide and he was about to say something when the bus came around the corner. I grabbed the baby bag my backpack and the stroller told Olivia to get on and help Angus (who still had the baby strapped to him). Once we were on the bus I parked the stroller and sat next to Angus, then I took Joelene off of him. as soon as she was on my lap he says "if that's what it feels like to be pregnant, I'm never having a baby!" I'm pretty sure so part of me died in that bus. even more when the lady beside me started to laugh uncontrollably.
when we got to the next bus stop that would take us to Keating x road the kids started to act like......... kids. "I'm hungry" I'm thirsty" "can we have dinner yet?" i gave them some of the snacks I packed for the baby, and told them the bus was coming. we sat on the bus for quite some time before we saw our stop. then we started to walk. the stables weren't that far but my knee *(see Knee surgery) was starting to hurt. it was a beautiful sunny day and the kids were all quite so the time flew by and before we knew it we were at the riding ring. we still had an hour to go but it was nice just to sit there and talk to the kids and the employees. when it was Olivia's turn we went out side to watch her, she trotted all by herself and did all sorts of things. I was and am soooo proud. but as we were standing there I started to sneeze and Itch all over. did I tell you that I'm allergic to horses? no? well, I am. I was so mad at not bringing some benadryl that I didn't even see that Angus went and ran back to the office(to get his yo yo) after I had some water I looked around for him but he was gone. I looked and looked but couldn't see him. after about 15 minutes he came running around the side building. First, I got mad then I said that if he ever left me like that again I was going to have a heart-attack. I think he believed me because he didn't leave my side after that.
after the lesson we called my mom who came to pick us up with Aunt Heather. since we were in Auntie Heathers car there wasn't enough seats. so Angus had to hide in the back with a blanket over his head. it was pretty funny, since mom and Auntie Heather were scared that someone would see. but no one did!!! SHHHHHHH.
it was a very cool experience.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The End Of Pain, The Begining Of Movement!

Sept 15, 2010:
I woke up at 6:00AM and had my antibacterial shower with a little scrub brush with a nail brush that hurts on the skin, and has this red goo that smelled SOOOOOOOO BAD!! after the shower I got into my clean clothes and mom and I got into the van. We then checked into the Jubilee Hospital at 7:00 AM and sat down in the surgery waiting-waiting room (there was two). well, after mom checked me in we were sitting for a half hour before the nurse said that I could go in, but the catch was that mom had to stay out. Now allot of people were and are thinking "do you still need your mom to stay with you at 17?" well the answer is that if you were going in for a surgery and you were scared wouldn't you want to have some moral support? I knew that the rooms going to the surgery were three. 1)the waiting room where you are in your gown and they put the IV in your arm. 2)the Doctor's room the doctor's and the surgeons come in and ask you question's and sign the arm, leg, or anything that you are having surgery on. 3)the surgery room the stage the soapbox the action room, where they get to work.
now I knew that mom was allowed into the waiting room because my Sunday school teacher is a worker at the Hospital and she said that I could have mom with me up till room two. but since I was a bit out of it I didn't say any thing.I went and got changed into the blue striped night-gown (that wasn't very comfy). I put all belongings into the locker (expat for the iTouch) and sat on the bed. they then went over to a fridge like thing and brought me two really "HOT" blankets. it was amazing.

After about a half hour I was wheeled into the second room where my surgeon, DR.Stone came singed my left knee saying that he didn't want to get the wrong knee.
which did not help my confidence. The room was cold but the personality's were nice. a women next to me had to have a surgery on her knee cap, it had shattered. she was telling me a little bit about her life and that she soon would be a grand mother to two twin boys.she was also going thou Brest cancer. I said a little prayer for her and said good bye as she was wheeled away. then it was my turn one of the men nurses came out to get me with Dr.stone. they got me into the operating table and strapped me down with two big Velcro straps. then the girl nurse put my arms out on the arm rest and stood beside me as my anaesthetic was placed into the IV. Iwas a little scared and told her so, she then rubbed my arm and told me it was going to be fine and have a nice sleep.I then said good night and fell asleep.zzzzzzzzzz

when I woke up nurse Joan was there to tell me that my surgery went well and that I was just waiting for the sleep to wear off. then I fell back asleep. when I woke for the second time mom was there and she had bought me a book, I was mostly awake now and told her what happened to me. then I fell asleep again. I woke up two more times before I was able to get dressed and get into the van.

when we got home I was so tired again and I was in a wheel-chair so when mom wheeled me into my lavender purple bedroom, I didn't even notice the hearts all over the wall's until I
was lying down on my bed. The hearts were everywhere. on the ceiling, the walls, the windows, even my lamp. I was so happy to have all the love around me. the people who did that were my family and friends and I thank them sooo much.(you know who you are)

so any way it has been a long couple of months and from wheel-chair to walker to crutches, you get a kind of respect for those around you who really need them.
I can walk now but cant run and yesterday I walked up the stairs first left then right all the way up all by myself.
working toward running and hiking.
from the ever persistent:

Thursday, July 8, 2010


soooooooooooooooo hot i am dripping every where!!!
and oh my gosh if this Saturday is this hot then I'm in trouble. I'm wherein a full length ball gown and singing, heaven preserve me!! oh so maby i should tell you what I'm doing heh heh!!! well, in the Victoria homeschooling group we focus on Thomes Jefferson Education. which basically means that the parents teach there children not just to graduate and get a job so that you can pay off your debts! it means that we lean to become leaders! now I'm not talking about your kid will be the next prime minister, but he/she Will be able to take charge in a group setting or be an influence in the community! since i don't really ever stop learning, the parents of the group have decided to give the Depth phase group (17-18 year olds) a party to celebrate the next step in our life and to tell all the younger kids our missions in's mine:
[oh and by the way this is going to be said after my singing]

As you probably have guessed, my mission in life is to find and share the beauty in the world. Whether it’s Thu song or music or art. I feel inspired by the magic around me that is Gods creation and want people to feel happy and to see what I see in the world.
I believe that god has a plan for me, and that my part in the big musical called life is to do I can and to do my best.
Christopher Robin said to Winnie the Pooh: “a little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” If even I do just a little bit of each, then I will be so happy. The biggest question I have is ‘this is the beginning of the next step in my life. Will I be able to make the world more beautiful? To answer my question is a quote from DR, Seuss.
And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed. Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed

yep it was hot and in my dress wasn't a big help. but who cares i had alot of fun! i sang my best, and the pictures turned out great.
the night went like this, the boys showed up and we took some pictures and then the limo showed up!!!
we all climbed in and went to Malia's house to pick her up.
then we went to moses beach to take pictures in our grad stuff. the boys in there tuxes and the girls in there dresses.
then we went to the dinner and we all gave speeches. then we had an awesome dance.
well to all the grads out there ,congratulations!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


so here's the may, my whole family was at a video put on by my church, and i was outside just having fun, when my foot got caught on the irrigation system and i went over head first off the 6 foot wall. but as i was falling down i had a matrix moment and whipped around and landed on my feet. i know "wow that was close" but as i fell i felt my left knee give way and pop. that's when i yelled to my cousin to go and get my mom and i started to cry. my knee hurt so much and I felt like it was broken. when my cousin came back and was with my dad who came and looked at my knee.
then my dad my mom a man from the church and my cousin helped me into my dads truck so that i could go home. i was in extreme pain and i just wanted it to go away.when i went to the doctors, he sent me to have an MRI.(thank you Dr,Stone for the fast appointment). they found out that my ACL in my knee is torn all the way Thu. so now I'm going to have surgery on Sept 15 2010. and boy m i scared! but i have faith in God will that i Will be fine!
wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Old dogs and new puppys!


OK so in the summer of 2009 my dog of 9 years died. Willoughby was a black standard poodle. he had black eyes and a kiddish look about him. Even Thu the family and I were sad that he was gone,we were also glad that he didn't have to suffer anymore. Willoughby had a surgery done to staple his stomach to the top of his rib-cage, because he had swallowed socks and tea towels that made his intestine twist. at the end of his life he was in some pain, so now we are all glad that he is with Heavenly Father and is healthy. love you Willouby!!!

Now its the summer of 2010 and i was feeling a little lost because I've all ways had a dog in the house and it was kinda weird. i noticed that when we had a dog the whole family would go out on walks with him and when we didn't then we were more separate and we didn't do much together (it seems weird, and even if you dint really notice the dog that's how it seems)so I asked my mom and dad if i could get a dog, at first mom was a little sad because Willoughby was her dog and she raised him and trained him. but after i got a lot of dog training books out of the library and showed her that i would be a good trainer, then she said yes and we started to look up puppy breeders on the island. one day we went onto used Victoria and we found a slandered poodle puppy breeder up the island. I was so exited and we called them right away.
we then had a appointment to go and see the puppy's. when we got there the mom and the dad dog came out to great us,they were beautiful dogs that were Really tall!
then we saw the puppy's.
they were so cute and the personality's were different. the shy puppy's would go and see my sister Olivia (12)and just sniff her. the overly energetic ones would all tackle my little brother Angus (9) and try to eat his hair. but the ones that caught my attention were two puppy's that were just sort of watching my mom and me and checking us out first. one was a little red female who was the pick of the litter and the other was a little cream male. i really wanted a male dog and so i picked the cream!!!!
we picked him up in a week and i named him Bennet after Mr.Bennet in pride and prejudice. he is the cutest puppy ever and has green eyes. he crys a little at night but is just a baby so no one minds. that's his picture(at the top)when he was just a couple of weeks old!!!
cant wait until hes old enough to train!!!!!!!
love Morgan

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The begining

So lets go back to the beginning and tell you how my parents came to know about all of my allergy's.
When I was born I was given my mothers milk just like any baby, and had a severe excema reaction to it. The doctors didn't know why (17 years ago doctors didn't know alot about this!!!) and so thay just gave my mother formula to feed me. It was a milk formula and the first time I was fine but it's always the second time that you see the results. My mom felt like I shouldn't have the milk so she put me on a soy formula and other soy products, because that's all I was allowed to have.
I had, and still have very bad excema, (a rash on the skin) that we thought came from the pollen sensitivity, which would be so bad to the point that it "weeps", and blisters. My mother would cover me in cortisone cream which would calm the inflammation down. But not for long. When I was little I would also get very painful ear infections which would make it hard to hear and to focus on anything. At one of the worst ear aches, mom took me to our Doctor and he said that maby the soy was part of it. My mom said that she thought that I would be allergic to the milk and never gave it to me.The Doctor prescribed that I try taking the milk instead of the soy and see how that go's. Well, the first time I took the milk I broke out in hives and I couldn't breath I was rushed to the hospital and was put in intensive care. After I left the hospital I had an appointment with a paediatric allergist in Vancouver B.C Canada for some testing. The testing was a series of pin pricks that pieced my arms, legs, neck, and back.The test results said that I was allergic to sooo many things. here's a "small list".
(now most of the are a food group remember that!!)

The allergist gave my mom some advice, if she was going to have some more children then she shouldn't eat any of the foods that I was allergic to. So when she had by younger sister and brother they were only allergic to peanuts, (LUCKY). The Doctor said that my allergy's might change when I go thou puberty, and what do you know they did!!!
At the age of 13 I was allowed chicken and dairy. I was still lactose intolerant (sensitive to the protein in the milk) but I didn't stop breathing. HALLELUJAH!!!

The hardest part is going into a restaurant and saying: "Hi I want a chicken burger, fry'ed on a clean pan, no bacon, no mayo, and please make sure you cut it with a clean knife?". And then there's my friend who says "A number two, with lemonade please?". But I have learned is to not be embarrassed, I don't want to have a allergic reaction and I'm guessing that the company doesn't want a death on there hands. So I live with it.
