Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Old dogs and new puppys!


OK so in the summer of 2009 my dog of 9 years died. Willoughby was a black standard poodle. he had black eyes and a kiddish look about him. Even Thu the family and I were sad that he was gone,we were also glad that he didn't have to suffer anymore. Willoughby had a surgery done to staple his stomach to the top of his rib-cage, because he had swallowed socks and tea towels that made his intestine twist. at the end of his life he was in some pain, so now we are all glad that he is with Heavenly Father and is healthy. love you Willouby!!!

Now its the summer of 2010 and i was feeling a little lost because I've all ways had a dog in the house and it was kinda weird. i noticed that when we had a dog the whole family would go out on walks with him and when we didn't then we were more separate and we didn't do much together (it seems weird, and even if you dint really notice the dog that's how it seems)so I asked my mom and dad if i could get a dog, at first mom was a little sad because Willoughby was her dog and she raised him and trained him. but after i got a lot of dog training books out of the library and showed her that i would be a good trainer, then she said yes and we started to look up puppy breeders on the island. one day we went onto used Victoria and we found a slandered poodle puppy breeder up the island. I was so exited and we called them right away.
we then had a appointment to go and see the puppy's. when we got there the mom and the dad dog came out to great us,they were beautiful dogs that were Really tall!
then we saw the puppy's.
they were so cute and the personality's were different. the shy puppy's would go and see my sister Olivia (12)and just sniff her. the overly energetic ones would all tackle my little brother Angus (9) and try to eat his hair. but the ones that caught my attention were two puppy's that were just sort of watching my mom and me and checking us out first. one was a little red female who was the pick of the litter and the other was a little cream male. i really wanted a male dog and so i picked the cream!!!!
we picked him up in a week and i named him Bennet after Mr.Bennet in pride and prejudice. he is the cutest puppy ever and has green eyes. he crys a little at night but is just a baby so no one minds. that's his picture(at the top)when he was just a couple of weeks old!!!
cant wait until hes old enough to train!!!!!!!
love Morgan

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The begining

So lets go back to the beginning and tell you how my parents came to know about all of my allergy's.
When I was born I was given my mothers milk just like any baby, and had a severe excema reaction to it. The doctors didn't know why (17 years ago doctors didn't know alot about this!!!) and so thay just gave my mother formula to feed me. It was a milk formula and the first time I was fine but it's always the second time that you see the results. My mom felt like I shouldn't have the milk so she put me on a soy formula and other soy products, because that's all I was allowed to have.
I had, and still have very bad excema, (a rash on the skin) that we thought came from the pollen sensitivity, which would be so bad to the point that it "weeps", and blisters. My mother would cover me in cortisone cream which would calm the inflammation down. But not for long. When I was little I would also get very painful ear infections which would make it hard to hear and to focus on anything. At one of the worst ear aches, mom took me to our Doctor and he said that maby the soy was part of it. My mom said that she thought that I would be allergic to the milk and never gave it to me.The Doctor prescribed that I try taking the milk instead of the soy and see how that go's. Well, the first time I took the milk I broke out in hives and I couldn't breath I was rushed to the hospital and was put in intensive care. After I left the hospital I had an appointment with a paediatric allergist in Vancouver B.C Canada for some testing. The testing was a series of pin pricks that pieced my arms, legs, neck, and back.The test results said that I was allergic to sooo many things. here's a "small list".
(now most of the are a food group remember that!!)

The allergist gave my mom some advice, if she was going to have some more children then she shouldn't eat any of the foods that I was allergic to. So when she had by younger sister and brother they were only allergic to peanuts, (LUCKY). The Doctor said that my allergy's might change when I go thou puberty, and what do you know they did!!!
At the age of 13 I was allowed chicken and dairy. I was still lactose intolerant (sensitive to the protein in the milk) but I didn't stop breathing. HALLELUJAH!!!

The hardest part is going into a restaurant and saying: "Hi I want a chicken burger, fry'ed on a clean pan, no bacon, no mayo, and please make sure you cut it with a clean knife?". And then there's my friend who says "A number two, with lemonade please?". But I have learned is to not be embarrassed, I don't want to have a allergic reaction and I'm guessing that the company doesn't want a death on there hands. So I live with it.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!!!

So my name is Morgan and I started this blog just to show what I do and where I go. and to see if I can help anyone wherever I go.
I really wanted to help all the people with children that has my allergy's, which are: nuts, peanuts, eggs, and red meats. so many new parents find out that there child has allergy's and don't really know how to deal with that and i just want to give some pointers. I am very interested in helping the Central Asia Institute and try and get money for more schools like what Greg Mortenson did in the remote mountain regions of Pakistan in the village called Korphe.
I love to travel and have started on that path when I went to kamloops to visit my aunt at 14, at 15 I went down to Tampa, Florida and flew back by myself. In 2009 my family went on a two month trip around the top of the us and Canada in a moterhome. we saw so many things which inspired me to keep on traveling.
welcome to my Blog!!!