Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The End Of Pain, The Begining Of Movement!

Sept 15, 2010:
I woke up at 6:00AM and had my antibacterial shower with a little scrub brush with a nail brush that hurts on the skin, and has this red goo that smelled SOOOOOOOO BAD!! after the shower I got into my clean clothes and mom and I got into the van. We then checked into the Jubilee Hospital at 7:00 AM and sat down in the surgery waiting-waiting room (there was two). well, after mom checked me in we were sitting for a half hour before the nurse said that I could go in, but the catch was that mom had to stay out. Now allot of people were and are thinking "do you still need your mom to stay with you at 17?" well the answer is that if you were going in for a surgery and you were scared wouldn't you want to have some moral support? I knew that the rooms going to the surgery were three. 1)the waiting room where you are in your gown and they put the IV in your arm. 2)the Doctor's room the doctor's and the surgeons come in and ask you question's and sign the arm, leg, or anything that you are having surgery on. 3)the surgery room the stage the soapbox the action room, where they get to work.
now I knew that mom was allowed into the waiting room because my Sunday school teacher is a worker at the Hospital and she said that I could have mom with me up till room two. but since I was a bit out of it I didn't say any thing.I went and got changed into the blue striped night-gown (that wasn't very comfy). I put all belongings into the locker (expat for the iTouch) and sat on the bed. they then went over to a fridge like thing and brought me two really "HOT" blankets. it was amazing.

After about a half hour I was wheeled into the second room where my surgeon, DR.Stone came singed my left knee saying that he didn't want to get the wrong knee.
which did not help my confidence. The room was cold but the personality's were nice. a women next to me had to have a surgery on her knee cap, it had shattered. she was telling me a little bit about her life and that she soon would be a grand mother to two twin boys.she was also going thou Brest cancer. I said a little prayer for her and said good bye as she was wheeled away. then it was my turn one of the men nurses came out to get me with Dr.stone. they got me into the operating table and strapped me down with two big Velcro straps. then the girl nurse put my arms out on the arm rest and stood beside me as my anaesthetic was placed into the IV. Iwas a little scared and told her so, she then rubbed my arm and told me it was going to be fine and have a nice sleep.I then said good night and fell asleep.zzzzzzzzzz

when I woke up nurse Joan was there to tell me that my surgery went well and that I was just waiting for the sleep to wear off. then I fell back asleep. when I woke for the second time mom was there and she had bought me a book, I was mostly awake now and told her what happened to me. then I fell asleep again. I woke up two more times before I was able to get dressed and get into the van.

when we got home I was so tired again and I was in a wheel-chair so when mom wheeled me into my lavender purple bedroom, I didn't even notice the hearts all over the wall's until I
was lying down on my bed. The hearts were everywhere. on the ceiling, the walls, the windows, even my lamp. I was so happy to have all the love around me. the people who did that were my family and friends and I thank them sooo much.(you know who you are)

so any way it has been a long couple of months and from wheel-chair to walker to crutches, you get a kind of respect for those around you who really need them.
I can walk now but cant run and yesterday I walked up the stairs first left then right all the way up all by myself.
working toward running and hiking.
from the ever persistent:

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